Our principal studies in hydrogeology are site assessment of ground water quality and quantity in establishing whether groundwater from a specific site can be discharged in Municipal storm water sewers or sanitary sewers. Typically hydrogeological assessments for municipal site developments consist of the following services:
- The hydrological setting of the site and watershed of the area, including site specific geology and Quaternary Geology of the Site and Surroundings.
- Soil, and bedrock profile site topography, drainage and groundwater level of the site.
- Water well record research, and impact on active wells by any proposed de-watering.
- Review and locate any water bodies, aquifers, aquitards or areas of natural significance present around the site that could be affected by de-watering activities.
- Determine if water is present in the soil, its depth in relation to the lowest part of the proposed structure, and its seasonal fluctuation.
- Water flow directions and hydraulic gradients at the site.
- In-situ Groundwater conductivity tests.
- Quality and quantity of groundwater and private water proposed to be discharged to the municipal sewer or into surrounding soils and method and rate of discharge.
- Water Quality Testing in compliance with the Regional/Municipal Sewer Use By-Law.
- Water Balance Studies.